Bison Face Off

Bison Face Off

One of the many activities Karla and I looked forward to upon going full time was the ability to backpack any place in the US or Canada. Since we happened to be in Custer, South Dakota we planned an overnight trip in Wind Cave National Park, in the beautiful Black...
The Case of the (non) Missing Cat

The Case of the (non) Missing Cat

“Where’s Foxy?” asks Karla. I had just finished fueling up the RV at a rural gas station about 1.5 hours north of Phoenix when Karla asked this question with a slight panic in her voice. Not being too worried about a small critter that excels at hiding, I ignored the...
Yellow Jackets Caused A Plumbing Leak?

Yellow Jackets Caused A Plumbing Leak?

So there Karla was, on a ladder, sticking her hand into a large hole in the ceiling of our home theater when she started screaming. She didn’t just scream, she also danced. She danced the dance people of all persuasions employ when being stung by an insect. Luckily...
Fall in the North Cascades

Fall in the North Cascades

Our favorite time of year to visit the North Cascades is the fall. The region is located in the northwest section of Washington. Snow has melted off of the higher slopes by mid-August and new snow has not yet begun to fall. The leaves begin turning color around...
Traveling South through British Columbia

Traveling South through British Columbia

As our time in Alaska drew to a close, it was time to head home. Of course the route home can be its own trip. Other than the British Columbia section of the Alaska Highway in the spring and our day trip to Yoho National Park, we had not travelled in British Columbia....
Stewart, BC & Hyder, AK

Stewart, BC & Hyder, AK

The small towns of Stewart, British Columbia and Hyder, Alaska are reached via Route 37A off of the Cassiar Highway (Route 37). Route 37A is sometimes referred to as the Glacier Highway as the 40 mile route travels past 20 glacier formations including Bear Glacier and...